Monday, November 09, 2009

happiness is...

a white iphone that gives me directions to my nearest walmart (or furthest walmart if i am feeling crazy), lets me play connect 4 against a complete stranger (which made my hair stand on end - i don't like strangers) and even tells the time!! i don't possess a watch (too hopelessly poor and disorganized to remember to put it on, and jewelry phobic too - i get rashy) and am always everywhere 10 minutes early because i don't know what time it is... today i arrived to school pick-up just one minute early AND had games to play while i waited :)

and did i mention it's an ipod?????! and a camera! and a video camera! and a compass (because that's really helpful when you use stores as landmarks...) and a paper toss game! and pocket yelp! and auto tune so i can sing like Britney! the sum of all these things surely doesn't equal it's original $599 price tag, but it certainly equals $197 - especially when you have $120 in gift cards :)

happiness is also:

the wonderful insulated cup holder on the bugaboo

sweet buttery apple pie warm from the oven (and the amazing smell in our house)

having all the ingredients for dinner without having to improvise/run to the store

getting a long-awaited kid movie at red box (and peace for the next couple of hours:)

kissing a baby who smells like mustela

soft cool white sheets on the bed

shredding junk mail

animals sleeping on their backs

friday nights

a full tank of gas

chili cheese dogs

'shake your body' by mj

warm chocolate chip cookies

a second cup of coffee (which is where i am heading now:)

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