Wednesday, November 04, 2009


... are republican politicians always smarmy no-neck fat-asses who you know aren't very nice to their wives?

and ps Obama hasn't even been in office a year so saying progress a year on is 'slow' is kind of lame and fat-ass :|

le sigh <- yes i'm being fakey and pretentious and poking fun. le sigh is so pity party for one tortured soul woe is me :)

i am trying - TRYING - to find 4 books at to buy for the 4 for 3 promotion. i swear they do it to piss me off, they put 3 books that i really want and the one book that would tip the scale 'letters from obedience school' by mark teague is nowhere to be found (except in spanish: which i already bought once by mistake) why amazon?? why??? why can't they do 4 for 3 on lenses? i know i could find 4 lenses i want... in a snap

looking on oriental trading co - i want to make ornaments but the selection is so overwhelming.... le sigh.

off to superwalmart for 'the scales' - heading inland to avoid runaway chickens (hopefully:) back later xoxoxo

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