Thursday, January 21, 2010

questions that don't require answers

how come
it only rains torrentially at 10:12am and 1:38pm when i have to stand outside school waiting for the magic door to be opened (at a different time every single day, depending on the teacher's mood that day???)

why does
everyone fear the dmv in deepest santa ana, when i got in and out (which reminds me, i'm starving...) in 5 minutes flat and was home before my appointment was even supposed to start...? and the nice man even said i had a pretty smile (which is total BS) he wasn't all scary like the men in calumet and he didn't even have halitosis :)

what kind of person
actually CUTS WITH SCISSORS the stray eyebrow hairs that are too tall for their eyebrows right before getting their drivers licence picture taken and then makes a fatal mistake and cuts them completely bald and has to ransack every bathroom drawer looking for a brow pencil to sketch the hairs back in...? uhuh... that would be me :( and i am no eyebrow artist :| oh and ps... the eyebrow pencil was in the kitchen because that makes perfect sense too :|

why oh why
does my straight face line thingie not work anymore??! Corey since you asked where it is, it doesn't work anymore...???! it is under the backspace (plus shift) if and when it works... asshole line thingie

how is it
that i only just discovered high school reunion and the bitchy lame awesomeness that it brings to my life and it's in season three already??!

what is with
people who put @ before people's names....? ??? not even to replace 'at', just @name? it's odd

who on earth
saw fit to use a totally out of focus pic on the front of the new mini boden catalog...? i should send johnnie a note :) ps i want pretty much everything inside mini boden spring 2010 despite that fuzzy picture ;)


  1. maybe that @ thing is about twitter? That's my theory

  2. oh maybe. twitter is one thing i will never ever get. if you're famous yes, if you're not - umm......

  3. looks like you :| thingy is working. I totally have to laugh that I searched the stupid keyboard for a good 5 minutes before asking you....and now it is plain as can be.
