Friday, March 05, 2010

  • kind, positive people (who hate the same things as me:)
  • days at the zoo with kids
  • clean white sheets (changed by hubbie... i heart him!!)
  • making heart shaped pb&js - though the cutter is called a 'love bite'... ewww that's an english hickie :|
  • my new computer... it's fast (and shiny!!)
  • Sam knowing the weather forecast always... and having the North Pole listed at :)
  • my new cs4 and bridge that doesn't close under pressure :)
  • getting paid $30 to eat 3 crackers at the taste test place last night (i liked the second one best:)
  • did i mention i looooove my teeth....? i have been proudly smiling a lot this week :) and flossing twice daily and brushing 3 times daily :)

don't loves:
  • people who drive with dogs on their knees - if i can corral small human beings into car seats and get them to sit and s-t-a-y, i am sure dog owners can do the same (dogs are as intelligent as 3 year olds, after all...)
  • everything being on the left instead of the right on my new computer... and things that you mouse over getting all big and bulbous. that's too mac for me :(
  • forgetting to take lunch to preschool (grrrrr)
  • annoying STOOPID people who think grapes are bad for you... seriously lady, you're not fat because of pigging out on entire bunches of grapes :|
  • 'people with cameras' who think 'moms with cameras' are clearly all incompetent and should stick to changing diapers (which is kind of funny in an unfunny tom lykas kind of way;) a cheap camera doesn't make you a bad photographer, just as an expensive camera doesn't make you a good photographer ;) gawd i hate facebook :|
  • my asshole multivitamin making me feel sick in the morning... must switch to gummies
  • Sam's dentist trip that revealed that he now has a spare tooth traveling towards his NOSE :| it requires surgery stat :(


  1. You can turn off the "big" part on the mac - I'm not sure how now, but I did it and mine don't blow up big when I move over them.

    <3 my mac ;)

  2. I am still laughing. Gotta love stoopid people.

    I have to disagree with the dog thing though, because my very favorite happy thing in the whole world (beside the belly laugh of a baby) is a dog sticking his head out the window of a car. That must be pure heaven for them. And you can always see a smile on their face when they are doing it. But anybody who lets a dog that would jump out of the window do it, is beyond stupid.

  3. I forgot to mention Costco changed the recipe for their calcium gummy vites (not sure what ones you like) and they are HORRIBLE. Yuck.

  4. ooo now I'm mad and pissy about people with expensive cameras being all snobby and such. ugh...
