Friday, March 19, 2010

today is like, the best day ever!

because i didn't get strong armed into buying a toy today :)

because i found an amazing $10 off coupon for kmart at dealnews (that has since mysteriously disappeared - thankfully i printed 3:), and even though kmart sucks, i looove going anyway, because it makes me feel like i live in a sucketysucksuck small town, when i actually don't :)

because i got a really cool new brownie pan with little rubber handles that was absolutely free thanks to the abovementioned coupon

because that means i HAVE to test the brownie pan - right??!

because we are going to the Salton Sea tomorrow so we technically need the brownies

because people are smiling today and they haven't been all week

because i think the daylight savings haze is lifting ;)

because shopping with Danny and PB was actually easy and pleasant this morning (and i didn't have to buy a toy;)

because Sam is being picked up from school by Grandma

because PB is peacefully napping

because Danny is peacefully watching Up, courtesy of redbox (the magic free code is: breakroom)

because today my inbox was inundated with email offers for Vegas :)

because i picked Mandalay Bay for a change, their attractive $50 daily credit caught my eye

because it's where we're going the weekend school is over for summer!

because the house is clean

because i thought i had forgotten to sign up for the next 3 months of preschool, but when i checked my statement, the check has cleared

because the house is full of daffodils and sunshine

because it's friday :)


  1. Girl...your best day almost made my ick day feel like the best day. :) Does that even make sense? I've been stuck in my office doing stupid work all day.

  2. Christine6:13 PM

    i think i could probably watch Up another... 5 times, maybe ?

  3. woo hoo Vegas! It is were I am going for my 40th next year. Let me know how Mandalay is because that is one of my potential choices. The other is Paris or TI. I would love the Venetian but a girl has to watch her pocketbook!
