Sunday, March 21, 2010

kmart, soldiers and big white bunnies

watching lots and lots and lots of weeds (and kind of liking it though nancy bugs me... and it also bothers me that there is nothing very agrestic about agrestic...)

avoiding chocolate so i don't accidentally go nuts and eat the boys' very british easter eggs (buttons, always, in the smallest size, to avoid mid easter sunday chocolate overdose)

shopping at kmart. yes. they had me with that coupon :)

finally understanding which one is the nunchuk (even though i REFUSE to say that dorkazoid word... it the small remote in my world, and always will be)

making chicken tikka masala for dinner tonight - must make mercy dash to trader joe's for naan (and fresh flowers:)

eating it for leftovers tomorrow - it's infinitely better as leftovers for some reason...

obsessively stalking Barack Obama - he never, ever, ever has a drink or any candy on his desk (and trust me i have checked every picture)

wondering if anyone ever bites really loud into one of the apples in the oval office during a meeting :)

being baby-free and realizing i am so so sooooo happy to be out the other side of the whole babies/runny food/naps/diapers/eating receipts stage in my life (occasional pretend baby visit aside:)

going on vacation next week to Yosemite and now with Sequoia added on... there are 3000 year old trees there!!! they were planted in 1000BC!!! and they're 300 feet tall!! and they're 40 feet wide!!! and this is all right outside of Bakersfield and i never knew :|

hating the MEAN swedish girlfriend in desperate housewives. urgh Lynette, kill her!! seriously everyone on that street has murdered at least one person, and Lynette has the whole pregnant/ crazy/temporary insanity line to get her off the hook ;)

looking high and low for a scandinavian waffle maker and wondering if a krumkake maker would work... i have never heard of krumkake before but it looks good. although the gross misspelling gives me hives :(

pictures from the weekend
spent a lot of time in the sand pit playing with actions diggers (as Danny calls them)

fell in LOVE
hurt my elbow playing this
shopped at target
played at south coast plaza
rode on big white bunnies
watched Up about 17 times
acted like a "smooth crinimal"
Sam got a fancy new patch:) it requires more sewing :(

1 comment:

  1. oh my word...the little doggy biting his croc. ♥ I can hardly stand it.

    oh and hating the new girlfriend on DHW as well. ugh.....
