Friday, April 23, 2010

things that make me sick

  • people who tug on their earrings, especially when the hole is almost torn (argh i can't type for gripping my earlobes) kate gosselin does it compulsively as if her list isn't already a mile long :|
  • returning things to stores - especially to assholes like Alex at Walgreens who deserves his very own "dear Alex at Walgreens - suck my left nut" facebook fan page :|
  • tall shoes
  • dusky pink nail polish
  • eating two packs of worcester sauce potato chips (i found this out at lunchtime....)
  • walking through customs trying to look innocent, knowing very well you lied on your forms :|
  • people who wear really really tight pants (exception: Freddie Mercury)
  • driving along lonesome stretches of freeway with 0.01 gallons of gas left
  • that reminds me - animal print a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g
  • jewel's voice
  • MGM Grand in Las Vegas for absolutely no good reason
  • the smell of workmen in home depot
  • red robin
  • shopping in Calumet
  • the Paris metro (and the SMELL!)
  • how people in big huge cities take the liberty of staring at you on subways, metros, tubes, etc but never smile back
  • bent back fingernails
  • people scraping their fork against their plate
  • people who crunch on apples like horses do
  • people who chew with their mouths open
  • people who pop their gum (especially when they're old enough to know better.... that means you, daycare lady at childtime)
  • people who chew ice (it makes me wish chewing ice really did cause very bad things to happen :)
  • the way Nancy Botwin drinks her soda
  • christian rock music
  • dogs riding in the back of trucks
  • anything with beating wings
  • the smell of shoe repair shops and costco tire center
  • country music singers (especially men, except Willie Nelson - he doesn't make me physically sick, just kind of bored :)
  • board games of any kind
  • 95% of lens baby pics
  • chocolate and fruit sitting together breathing the same air
  • ditto onion bagels next to cinnamon bagels
  • dropping things on my bare toes - i just dropped a teaspoon on my toe and it hurt like the dickens :|
  • french manicures especially on plastic nails
  • men who do that snot nose withdraw sound (and some women even do just to further turn my delicate tummy upside-down)
  • the smell of poopy diapers (i have to breathe through my mouth when a poopy kid is around so as not to heave and feel embarrassed on behalf of the offending child :)
  • people talking about scars and stitches in graphic detail
  • slimy turkey meat
  • slimy ham
  • steak with chewy fat on it
  • seasoned fries
  • bread that isn't super duper fresh and kind of smells like ash
  • tamales
  • even remotely undercooked chicken
  • playing baseball on the wii
  • going to the movies or theatre (my legs get sooooo completely restless and it's the only time i really want to run :)
  • staying in bed too long
  • weddings
  • any more than two cups of coffee in a 24 hour period
  • starbucks coffee
  • pizza hut's greasy crust
  • the cheesecake factory
  • the medium setting on Guitar Hero :)


  1. I'm not sure how you do list all these things that should make you sound negative...but instead...they make my love you all the more. even if I don't agree with all of them. how cool!

  2. I can "second that" on at least half the items on your list!
