Monday, June 14, 2010

oh dear me... oh deary deary me...

today is the first day of my diet. it has been quite a weekend of shockingly bad eating :| which kind of started around 5pm thursday when i made those EVIL no bake peanut butter bars and cut them into 20 ish servings instead of 50 and then convinced myself they are a nutritious AND delicious snack :| now i have wicked tummy ache. and none of my clothes fit quite right. luckily all the no bake peanut butter bars are gone (hangs head in shame) and i am forced back to my simple existence of ginger cat cookies, uppers and diet coke.

then there was this little dieting faux pas....
big mistake. HUUUUGE. Chicago pizza eaten in windy, freezing, grey, boring don't-want-to-pick-my-camera-up Chicago = bad. Chicago pizza eaten in sunny, golden, can't-put-my-camera-down California = good :) Lefty's pizza is just plain wrong in the very rightest of ways!!), and should be banned. Obama should really do something about it, because clearly he isn't doing anything good for this country and he is a lazy ass who does nothing but plays golf all day and i bet he has all kind of games on his blackberry so he looks busy too, i bet he does! i saw a sign yesterday on an old white man's car in south county which read (and i quote) 'impeach Obama'. i am not sure what for... maybe the mom jeans....? the blackberry games...? because he's charismatic and better looking than white guys? or because he was born in Titicaca?

which reminds me... that is our standard answer when watching Jeopardy "what is titicaca?' for no other reason than we love saying it and it sounds naughty. well one day we actually tried to answer the question for real, and guess what the answer was.... YES!! 'what is titicaca?' i have not watched Jeopardy since :|

in other news, i love watching my cats fight (but it's more of a quarrel and no blood is lost, i swear...) i sometimes worry that i am a very bad person who could get in all kinds of trouble with the ASPCA for this :(

on Thursday i am going to Las Vegas with two children :| i am soooo not sure about this at all. especially since the no bake peanut butter bar incident... i have no clothes and don't want to even look at an all-you-can-eat buffet till my clothes fit again. but how to tell the boys...? we can't postpone because the dastardly swim classes start next week and hack big holes into our summer days. and i don't want to let them down. but i am TOO FAT FOR VEGAS. damn you, peanut butter bars!!! and Amy, i had no chocolate chips with which to make them either and i bought them and i regretted it (well not while i was eating them but now i do... just a FYI.... also chocolate chips are insanely expensive anywhere by Winco... they cost $4.99 a bag! at Winco they are like $2 a pound... and you can get mini morsels or the huge hunking ones... i love Winco :)

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