researched peanut butter recipes to find out why yesterday's batch of homemade peanut butter was so absolutely hideous (it was really really really bad...)
found a stray thankful leaf from yesterday which read 'Barack Obama (tieless)'... in very girly starry handwriting :)
walked 6.20 miles in 97 degree heat uphill all the way
was followed all the way home by three friendly butterflies (i know who they are :)
bought Vans in size 3 (Danny's feet are that big....)
watched Portia di Rossi on Oprah... i don't know what it is, but there's something about her that makes my hair stand on end... she's phony and tragic in all the worst ways (i feel bad for Ellen... i just know it will end in tears... and i really like Ellen...)
shopped at Michaels for turquoise, ivory and gold paint
painted christmas ornaments that would make Liberace jealous :)
had meatless meatloaf for dinner - sooooooo good, i actually like it better than meat meatloaf (no sticky gross fat dripping out of it and coagulating everywhere)
researched Madame Tussauds. i have never been to one and i have a bee in my bonnet to go. the Vegas one sounds far far superior to the Hollywood one, you can even stage a fake wedding to George Clooney! (though i don't know why anyone would want to do that ;) i love this picture, i really hope they don't melt Elvis and recycle him into someone awful like Kim Kardashian, before i get to the museum....
took pictures of cute boys shopping at Target and a cute baby and a cute cat who loves finding new chairs that are just his size :)
What I read in November 2020
It’s almost the end of the year! The kids are going to be done with school
any day now, I am so excited. That means my book reading will go down
Very cute pictures! Looks like the girl with Elvis is wearing lingerie.