Thursday, January 20, 2011

loves and not loves


getting 11 hours of uninterrupted like-a-log sleep last night for the first night in a loooooong time... with no teeth grinding or tossing and turning or getting up to google whatever happened to Susan Powter/Sally Jessy Raphael :)

being cool enough (but not so cool that i don't lose sleep for many many nights beforehand) that i can let go of my boy and let him drive off to science camp with a bus full of cheering, singing 10 years olds (but oh the loss of sleep... and the tossing and turning... and the strange rash and really really itchy hives that the internet says are anxiety related)

playdates with old friends

'mystery diagnosis' on OWN. though it is very troubling.... sooooo many worrying illnesses to worry about... and i also don't really understand why people close their eyes before the commercial break... at first i thought it was a symptom of the illness... but there's no rhyme or reason to the eye closing thing... sometimes it's a family member's eye... very odd)

77 degree days

the subway veggie delite with sweet onion sauce and no green things (except for the green things i do like - this is why i hate ordering there... i wish i could just fill in a form :)

baking 4 little chocolates chip cookies each night so we can have warm cookies each before bed

my sweet kitty cats and that i don't have one of those husbands who hates cats or is allergic to them (tip number one for a happy life: never fall in love with someone who doesn't like cats)

trader joe's mini pita crackers - they are like tiny cream crackers (disclaimer: but probably not as good... it's been a looong time since i ate jacobs cream crackers and i don't want to start that obsession again so i'm telling myself emphatically that they are pretty much the same thing:)

not loves:

really really awful spelling

the minutes of excuse-making and procrastinating before i actually summon the energy to go for a walk - once i start walking it's fine, it's just actually putting on my shoes that makes me want to give up and do ANYTHING but walk (even mop)

hives - be gone already!!

my camera being gone (it's been a WEEK. and i miss it sooooooo much)

the millionaire matchmaker lady - i do love her show but she's so crass and unladylike

walkies time :| <----- it's windy, maybe i should stay home :)

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