Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh Em Gee!

we got a call from Sam's camp counselor tonight :| everyone says a call is a very bad thing - it means one of three things:
  1. your kid is reaaaally homesick - inconsolably so, and you have to drive up the mountain at 200 mph, while sobbing uncontrollably (in rush hour traffic) to get them
  2. something AWFUL happened to your child and the onsite doctor has given up on them, and you have to drive up the mountain at 200 mph, while sobbing uncontrollably (in rush hour traffic) to get them
  3. your child did something REALLY scandalous and you have to drive up the mountain at 200 mph, while sobbing uncontrollably (in rush hour traffic) to get them...

anyway the first thing the counselor said was noooooooo, it's not a, b or c!!! but it was too late, i already had another huge attack of hives and stress induced shingles and was already scratching blistered sore epidermis all over the floor. apparently, a kid in Sam's cabin (NOT Sam nor a member of Sam's upstanding school:) was seen making "a humping motion" while practicing for the camp's talent show and said kid was removed from camp immediately (hehe - imagine being that parent!!) however the parents of the other 5 kids in this kid's cabin all had to be informed before the kids get home tomorrow full of confusing stories about watching kids humping as part of a show :) i am SO GLAD my kid isn't involved. SOOOO GLAD!!!!!!!!!

and my camera is back! oh how i missed it... now i want a new lens for it. and a pony ;)

and we are no longer chocolate chip-less nor chocolate chip cookie-less:)

and our kitchen smells like french lavender :)

and Sam is back tomorrow (with fun stories to tell about kids humping at the talent show and everything!!!)

and Melissa is having a BABY tomorrow!!!! 1-21-11 - i like that :)

it's a great day already and it didn't even begin yet :)

1 comment:

  1. oh arent you so glad it wasn't your kid making the humping motions lol
