if the Mentalist (aka Simon Baker) was in that Australian soap opera, Home and Away, like a bazillion years ago?? turns out he was - oh, i loved that show (but not as much as Neighbours - spelled with a u because Australians can spell :)
whether it's reasonable that Sam's teacher still has his book report book (the book the book report goes in...) from 31 january when his next report is due on her desk in 48 hours???? grrrrr.....
the large bruise on my arm from the towel bar (too cold at night, even with the heating on, to get up and take aleve)
Bumper and Blackjack laying so close to me that i can't even breathe
what pictures i can send for the school yearbook scrapathon
last night's kitties:
i really really love Xavier

this is Natalie who should be on whiskas temptations commercials, she loves them so much i want to buy some :)

baby Muskat

Cleo reminds me of that Mika song 'big girl you are beautiful' she is the fluffiest cuddliest whiskas temptations fan ever (i found hers stashed away under her blanket for later:)

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