there should be a $500 licensing fee for every purebred animal, to supplement the cost of all the mutts that end up in the pound because of them, increasing by $100 every year for the next 10 years for newly acquired pets, to discourage breeding and empty out animal shelters
'no parking' curbs should always always always be RED with no ambiguous signs that aren't clear like 'no standing' (NY i'm talking about you!! my kids won't ever go back!!) a red curb is perfectly universally understandable :)
there should be 3 slices of tomato on the veggie delite - one per 2 inches of sandwich :) my subway only puts 2 on :|
and they need to sell their sweet onion sauce in grocery stores too!
resort fees should be absorbed into the daily rates hotels charge because they're just so irritating and deceptive
there should be a way to take old standouts/pics mounted on wood and just mount a new picture over the top... i hate having huge outdated pics, and it seems so wasteful to just trash them. i need to invent a frame that does what i mean even if i am the only person who buys it :)
your copay should be refunded if you wait longer than 30 mins to see the doctor :)
someone needs to invent thick, yummy, sugar free maple syrup that my kids don't recoil in horror from
the Duggars should be banned from TV - they are the most boring, fake-happy, annoyingly softly spoken family on earth :|
ditto the Kardashians (still wondering who the hell they are and where did they come from???!)
off to celebrate the rest of this lovely day...
a plant for his teacher that we managed to keep alive just long enough :)

handmade roses from hubbie this morning :)

and one from Danny too :)

going through his valentines (that's his card at the front:)

handmade roses? seriously.....WOW!