no more scones either. nil by mouth - i am giving up eating for lent ;)
also in preparation for lent when i intend to give up diet coke as well as food, i am trying to make sugar free iced tea. i am drinking crystal lite iced tea right now... it's not disgustingly horrible, but i am just not sure if i can drink this for 40 days and 40 nights. anyway my first batch of homemade iced tea is coming up this afternoon, as soon as i figure out what the dickens black tea is. surely it can't be the same as orange pekoe which is clearly orange, not black... hmmm
Danny, after much thought, is giving up dinosaurs for lent :) can he do it?? we will see.....
my boys are moving their teeth from the pediatric dentist to a real human bean dentist. Danny just went and Sam is going next. no more snarky pediatric dental hygienist who makes me feel one inch tall for not kneeling on them and flossing their teeth everyday - oh yeah! no-one puts me in the corner!
it's official (and i am so proud!) i know my way to Disneyland without the GPS. i've only been 300* times! you get off at HARBOR not Disney Way ;)
* that number is not an exaggeration. we had our second date there, we have had passes since 2001 (off and on - we're in off mode right now but we'll be on again soon :) we saw the Electrical Parade every friday for years. Danny and Elliot practically lived on the Disneyland train when they were 4 and 3 and totally into dinosaurs. yes, i've been at least 300 times.....
i love this little girl. she is really really gorgeous. and kind and sweet. and she smiles a lot - even when she's feeling unsure of herself and a little shy - i love that. she loves animals. and her Mommy. she reminds me a whole lot of Steph's little Sophia who i adore also :)

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