going straight from the airport to Disneyland!!
sweet pretty gifts from the Oregon coast (i want to go to there:)
a working minivan again with all the comforts, cupholders and seats we have become unable to live without :)
dry days that were supposed to rain
cooler Disney days
warmer beach days
walking to Ruby's at the end of the pier with 3 excited children running ahead
relaxed lunches with kids old enough to just let the grown-ups talk and enjoy :)
taking pictures under the pier
photographing the love between a mom and her little girl
the perfectly reflective sand at low tide
gathering their favorites from hundreds and thousands of perfect shells
pizza and movie and pumpkin bread with cream cheese frosting night (we watched the Princess and the Frog... i was so sad about the firefly......)
watching 'Babies' and falling in love all over again with the little African baby boy
a big pink box of Cream Pan croissants for breakfast (so so so yummy!)
San Juan Capistrano for pictures
the Hat chili cheese fries for lunch (heaven is a place on earth and it's the Hat :)
letting the kids cool off in the fountains at the mall
Sam's excitement to check out the apple store with his Dad
on-time flights home
empty freeways pretty much everywhere we went
an online friend becoming a really good real life friend :)
having a ton of happy new pictures to edit

There are no amount of words to express how much I love this post, and how much I am so very glad to call you my friend! ♥ Thank you for everything. It was amazing.....