Sunday, June 12, 2011

horses, emotional turmoil and cherries

photoshopping a sweet horsey's pictures to finally present to his sweet owner (i took the pics last Summer and she has been sweetly reminding me every 6 months or so :)

keeping really really still because it hurts like the dickens to look up or left or right :| (i have no idea why... i looked on webMD and everything)

simply dying to get away to Big Sur and reset my senses/pulse/blood pressure back to normal and just B-R-E-A-T-H-E.....

gargling with salt water hourly to attempt to heal the 10,000 mouth ulcers and hanging bits of bleeding bitten cheek that are making eating very un-fun - my cheeks are SOOOO PUFFY!

drinking diet coke (with three chunks of ice)

procrastinating about buying a new car :| testdrove the Toyota Sienna (again) and fell a little bit deeper in love with it. it has little blinds in the boys' windows, which also wind down (such a novelty!) and a snap-in jumpseat between their chairs for impromptu afterschool playdates. and a little button on the mirror that opens the garage door (how it knows where we live, i have no idea) and like 26,000 cupholders. and two little tables for drinks and snacks :) and a camera for backing up so you don't hit invisible walls. it has everything a mother could wish for and not an ounce of ego or attitude :|

but.... i'm feeling really really really sad about letting go of the Honda Odyssey... it feels like we are saying goodbye to a beloved, dependable, hard-working, loyal member of our family... is it completely lame to have loved your car that much....? the car that kept my boys safe and warm and cozy as babies and has always got them everywhere on time and home safely and never let us down (except that one time in Hollywood when the car just seemed so poorly and weary, i wanted to tell it "it's OK" and kiss it better....) anyway, i am feeling so sad just thinking about it no longer being part of our 'everyday'.... sigh, i am just a huge pile of sap and uselessness today :(

off to bed to watch some Law and Order:UK and hope for clarity in the morning ;)

pictures from the weekend-ish:
i looooove these kids and am hoping we'll have plenty summer playdates together :)

our new pool is a HUGE hit so far :)

i love farms - we picked cherries yesterday

we watched Gordon the gopher for at least an hour and fed him lots of (damaged) cherries so we could admire his cuteness :) (i don't think the farmer would mind, they were cherries with blemishes as the picture shows :)

we love farm dogs :)

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