Tuesday, June 14, 2011

today i...........

woke up at 4am after having the worst nightmare that everyone was kidnapped from Knotts Berry Farm (the area where Mrs Knott sells chicken dinners...) and their heads chopped off on live TV (what does it mean????!)

it was hard to get back to sleep after that, but then i had a nightmare i had to eat an entire bowl of playdoh which gave me major indigestion :(

ps last night i couldn't sleep because i had a dream i had to find a lost diamond earring in a shag rug full of crumbs :|

had oatmeal with peanut butter for breakfast and marveled at this miraculous taste sensation that is just soooo easy to make and wonderful and nutritious and filling too :)

mopped the entire house with zoflora and a brand new mop (seriously, is there anything better in life? ;)

since the water was cut off for FOUR HOURS, i was forced to drink diet coke instead of water

borrowed Aaron's credit card and lost it while trying on clothes (everytime i borrow his credit card, i somehow end up losing it - it's just not fair ;)

found a sunblock that doesn't look like thick white lard and smell like Disneyland (i didn't think such a wonderful thing existed :)

had pop and worcester sauce crisps for lunch

found out that rental cars with 'unlimited miles' actually have a 1400 mile weekly limit (so technically not unlimited....)

planned our 4564 mile roadtrip to Graceland anyway in a big fancy Lincoln towncar :) if Piggly Wiggly changes it's name to something sensible in the next month i am going to be SO UTTERLY PISSED!!!!!!!!

listened to Elvis Presley singing Danny Boy - despite having a little boy named Danny, i've never actually listened to that song before :)

attended Sam's Honor Roll assembly :)

had to hide my bitter jealousy when the Mom sitting next to me said she was going to the resort in Dirty Dancing for their summer vacation (NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!)

came home and found my Tiny Prints free father's day in the mail... filed it somewhere for safekeeping and lost it - grrrrrrrrr, i do that ALL THE TIME!!!

heard Sam listening to David Bowie "Young Americans" and had one of those awesome, tingly, perfect circle moments (please let him be a David Bowie fan! :)

helped saw out Danny's first wiggly tooth with a flosser (it was causing so many tears, it had to come out - but boy do i hate twisting teeth that are loosely attached to gums.....)

watched the real housewives of OC reunion - yawn. i hope part two has more hair-pulling and venomous attacks

in good news, Jeff Lewis is flipping out again soon!! if more people were like Jeff Lewis, what a wonderful (and admittedly somewhat uptight) world this would be :)

went to Lone Star Steakhouse for dinner - i had salad and a baked potato and Danny actually ate his kid meal

picked up new bedding and Danny chose a Lego set for the tooth fairy to leave him tonight ;)

subjected our children to our singing on the way home - they plugged their ears :)

snuggled with Friday and listened to the Bangles (she likes the Bangles - she's really old....) while we researched presidential libraries :)

off to bed xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxx


  1. you are a busy bee. love that sunscreen. discovered it last year when the boys were breaking out in a rash from sunscreen. luckily that one didn't. i have never been to knotts, am i missing out?

  2. you got worcester-howeveryouspellit sauce crisps in US? I used to have to get my mother to send me space raiders while i lived in the states. i was necessary to my gestation...

  3. awwwwwww Danny looks so happy in that video. :) love it.

    and the "dirty dancing resort" oh man.....so envious as well.
