my second of three morning cups of coffee.... it's darned fine coffee :) and hot too :)
the scales this morning - though i still have blisters on my blisters from my stupid, new so-called walking shoes :(
to decide between
a bird app - because i am that into bird spotting, that's why!! (also, it's 99c and who can say no to anything under a dollar? especially when you can share it with your family and be a superhero ;)
also buying
this pertiful air mail kate spade iphone case that i saw in Nordstrom months ago but wouldn't buy even though i had a gift card because it was FORTY dollars :| i found it for $10 at last (my limit for disposable accessories such as iphone cases/sunglasses, etc)
also also buying
a spare camera body for my upcoming trips, because i just love my camera soooo much that if it's broken/fuzzy, the entire world seems to turn to black and white (and not the crisp contrasty Ansel Adams B&W either) and i can't get quite the necessary amount of oxygen/enthusiasm to do anything.... also i cannot believe how cheap cameras are anymore - $300?! so i would be insane not to buy it, right?
also also also buying
more of my magical vitamin candies at Costco today - they are actually better than candy because they make you healthy and are legal to take on a diet!! i keep a little bag of them in my purse and by my bed and at my desk for whenever i feel peckish for something illegal and sweet :) also: one more perfectly light white quilt .... it's the summer version of the perfectly heavy white polar bear hug blanket... obsessed with white bedding.... ok, white in general ;)
of Griffith Park Observatory on Mother's Day for May grey panoramic pictures overlooking my favorite, beautiful, perfectly flat, sprawling,
about poor Mrs Duck and her ducklings.... i haven't seen her husband around ALL WEEK so she has to go everywhere with her seven slow-moving wobbly little babies (typical of Mr Duck to be MIA when the going gets tough... jackass). the boys set out some food and a little paddling pool outside their bedroom windows (very shallow water as ducklings have to learn to swim) but we haven't seen her and her brood for 2 days.....
this pic of the fullest biggest moon that i found on my camera this morn :)