Sunday, September 30, 2012

sunday things

this morning we watched House Hunters (in bed with coffee and ginger cats) and it was in Massa-fucking-chusetts!!  the accents!  the trees!  and real wood floors!  the house prices!!  holy crap - i can't wait to go house shopping, i am going to look at 10,000 houses just for fun!

fun fact: there are very few states you can seamlessly insert a cuss word into: Cali-fucking-fornia.  Missi-fucking-sippi.  Colo-fucking-rado.  Ala-fucking-bama.  Ari-fucking-zona. Pennsyl-fucking-vania.  annnnnnd Massa-fucking-chusetts ;)

in other ADD news, i am baking two apple pies! and the kids are gone!  and i love my new nail color!  and i ate way too much icecream last night.... and Bumper is going crazy doing his monotone human "meow" over and over because he caught a fly!  and i got an email from the nice lady with the beautiful grey shingley house and it even has lawn service and bicycles (hip hip horray!)!!  and she loves Trader Joe's too!!  and she's an interior designer - so that's why the house is soooo perfect and white and zen!!!  it's (another) beautiful day in the neighborhood, a neighborly day in the beautiwood...

and also... did i mention: it's $2000 less than our mortgage....?  uhuh :|  New York fucking City here we come - every single weekend!

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