Monday, February 04, 2013

week in pics

 birthday bracelet (already broken... stupid bloody Alex and Ani)
 birthday dessert at Bertucci's - i told them to hold the singing but bring the free cake :)
 finally found Cami Shapers - and hated them :|
 his official picture
 $2.995 million house in Australia with a dorm sized fridge???  whhhhat??
 bedroom view 
 the birds are crazy here....
 favorite store
 the old dock was completely frozen for a week
 birthday treat - warm sopapillas with honey
 dress like a penguin day at school (???)
 dress like a Californian day at Chappaquoit :)
i love that little shack :)
another day at the office for Mr Bumps 
 oh Trader Joe.... i love you so :) 
 the day the wig arrived i wore it all day (i'm bored with it now... it's a halloween prop :)
 latest after school treat
 perfectly rosy british cheeks
 perfect snowflakes

homework and headbumps 
 watching for Cal, the bus driver at 8:38am
 11:11am - quiet clean house, coffee, quadratinis and a cuddly kittie
sunshine and daffodils


  1. omg. i'm just gonna start with....

    WHY is your bracelet broken? HOW?
    i want sopapillas....
    i want daffodils....
    i love your new scarf...
    and your wig is adorbs!

  2. i only wore it twice before the little giftbox fell off. stupid thing - they were totally unhelpful too and just said the paper store would deal with it, even though i told them i don't still have the receipt. aloser and an asshole they should be called

    i'll make you sopapillas anytime :) xoxox
