Thursday, January 08, 2009

did you feel THAT???

i think i finally... after 13 years in California... felt an earthquake!! sure, i have felt a couple of nice gentle ones... where the ground rolls under your feet like you're in the funhouse or standing between two train cars. but this was like a truck hitting the house! BAM! i actually almost ducked under my desk to avoid said invisible truck... of course no-one else felt it so they think i am exaggerating and awfully weird (but i'm NOT - it was very scary for about a second!)

poor little Danny has been sick as a dog. we gave him a little bell to keep by his bed to ring when he needs attention... well Danny rings that bell far far far too often and when i rush in to ask what he needs he simply replies 'i just wanted to tell you that i don't want anyfink right now, Mama' or 'i am finking of visiting a big HUUUGE fowwest'. sigh - time to stealthily remove the bell...

as if my 'all the wrong reasons' gwyneth list was not already onto the thirtieth page, the woman now has a blog...... because "I have this incredible, blessed, sometimes difficult, very lucky, very unique life, and I've gotten to travel all over the place and to work and live in different cities...and sometimes friends need help finding a sink that looks midcentury"....................

p.s. not that i need one but i simply cannot find any mention of the store where Gwyneth found her elusive midcentury sink :( (maybe you have to be a friend to see that part) oh, and she spells "a while" "awhile".......... it's the first entry on page thirty-one ;)

1samure 223


  1. When was the earthquake. I missed it. Hope Danny is feeling better.

  2. I felt it!!
    I was laying in bed and my bed started feeling like it was sitting in a bowl of was all wobbly..I felt it! I felt it!

  3. I dislike gwyneth too but I really love that last picture!

  4. Oh goodness! Glad you are ok.

    Hope Danny gets better real soon

    On a note about the bell, Steve's mom actually brought one over when he was sick once. I looked at her and said, "What is that for?" She says, "He will ring it when he needs something."

    I assured her he was a BIG grown man and not a child, he could use his voice and ask. For heaven's sake!!!! I guess I could've invited her to stay and answer the rings! She took it home with her!

  5. Carol,
    I woke up this morning feeling horrible, I still feel horrible. My entire body aches like mad!
    Wasn't our earthquake just the bestest in all the westest? And by the way...I say "awhile" as well lol is that bad? You make me laugh with all of your wonderings! Seriously, your blogs kill me.
    Are you really thinking of moving or is is just a blog dream of yours? Tell me.
    I hope little Danny is feeling better today and I hope that bell found a place in the cupboard :] I bet he loved that though. Im sitting in bed right now...watching a movie with your dear Gwyneth in it...I shall send her your love.
