Saturday, March 14, 2009

today in a list

i slept in til 8am, dipping digestive biscuits in my nescafe watching 30 Rock. heaven is a place on earth

stopped by target - i bought '20 questions' for sam for our roadtrip last month and it was $11 at target. however yesterday i saw it at walmart yesterday for $5!! i was so hopping mad i grabbed an armful of them, then i took one back to target to got a refund! Suze Orman would be so a-gush if she knew how often she pops into my head at moments like this. sure she wouldn't have bought '20 questions' in the first place but still... i did good right, Suze?? i did good!!!

for lunch i had 6 pieces of laffy taffy - three sour green apple and three strawberry - and two grapes

i saw this website today where you can save a bunch of emails addressed to your loved ones so that if you don't log in for a specified amount of time (eg. a month), the company will assume that you are dead and will send the goodbye emails to your family....can you imagine the pressure to remember to log in and remember the password and the stress if on day 30 your internet connection was down (or is this just a Time Warner customer concern...?) how perfectly odd of an idea

i love reading the status updates on facebook. they divide people into two basic groups - people who think 'having a glass of wine' or 'i don't like the new facebook' is a status update and people who actually take longer to think of an update than it takes to write it down. i am not saying which group of people i find funnier

today i watched the ER with George Clooney in it........................................heavens to betsy, that man is so easy on the eyes!

a picture from our iphone - hmm, i'll give them a pass this once as the walmart beer aisle doesn't have great light. but did people reaaally pay $599 for this thing in the days of yore...?
Picture 004

1 comment:

  1. George Clooney is easy on the eyes. That was a cool show bringing them all back.

    Glad you got your iphone. I am cracking up that you were posed in the beer aisle.
