they make everyone crazy, they make kids extra wild and clumsy and hysterical (so many talking-tos, sobfests and bumped heads today) and they make the whole day feel like the beginning of the wizard of oz in the worst possible way :(
what exactly is their purpose other than to drive people insane, and to cheapen the look of houses with dandelion lawns :( yes i know, their seeds are those perfectly round fluffy balls that are fun to photograph and you can make dandelion and burdock from dandelions (and burdock), but you can't even get dandelion and burdock here so they just shouldn't be allowed :|
oh gawd, what on earth possessed me to buy them? they make me want to kill everyone i meet. since wearing spanx i seem to have been constantly stuck in traffic and unable to take a step back or forwards without bumping into some grade A jackass. they are sooooooo horribly tight and uncomfortable and just awful x 1 million :| i'd rather (dramatic pause) work out :| indeed, they are that bad!! you can breathe in but you can't breathe out and i am sure my blood pressure is at least 300/250 at this point :( MUST.TAKE.THEM.OFF.A.S.A.P!!!!!!
people who cut in line
no explanation necessary :| also people who stand in the wrong line and make it longer than it should be :|
that hideous slutty woman from up in the air
as much as i love the man in that movie (who isn't slutty and hideous at all:), the woman makes me absolutely S-I-C-K :| as my Grandma would say, "she's a dirty bitch" :)
my fearless dandelion exterminator

what i bought at costco. honestly, i'd rather not eat the 36 bars of chocolate than have to wear spanx :|

Sam's teacher gave him cookies :)

this frame is the work of the devil - it has 6 screws in it and it takes FOREVER to change out the pics (but there's a wonderful feeling of zen arranging them just so:)

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